The meta tag editor is shown above. Keywords are still considered very important by many SEO experts for positioning. Keywords may be single words or short phrases. Each keyword or "keyphrase" is separated by a comma. Typically, phrases are more effective for positioning as the competition for positioning a single word is over saturated. Make sure that the keywords you use are included in your content. Each word or phrase should appear on the page at least 10 times as a general rule of thumb. DO NOT load your keywords with irrelevant words. Search engines do not like to be tricked in providing irrelevant information and your page could penalized in ratings for doing this. It does not hurt and probably helps to fill in the other meta tags as well (owner, author, etc.)
The Robots area allows you to provide instructions to search robots as to what you want them to do with your pages. By default, it is assumed that you want the search robots to index your page in their catalog, and to follow the links or your page for possible indexing as well, and to revisit every 30 days to look for new information. You may not want the a search engine to index all of your pages however. For example, there may be no value in having a contact return page displaying a welcome for somebody who has just joined your mailing list to be indexed. A particular page may not have any links on it that you have a particular reason for having the public know about them as well. It this case you would uncheck the Follow checkbox. You may also want to increase the revisit frequency for a blog page, or decrease the frequency for an inventory catalog page in the case where search engine keep tripping the bandwidth limit on your hosting simply by following hundreds of links in your shopping cart.